I LEAD Consulting: Inclusive Leadership, Equity and Diversity

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Navigating Cultural Safety Video Series

With a reduction in human connection in organisations and social cohesion in our society, together with a growing need to increase Wellbeing and Belonging for all identities and intersectionalities, genders and generations, cultures and ethnicities, we’ve put together a suite of 6 helpful videos to assist you on your journey to increasing:

  1. Cultural Safety and Proficiency in your organisation and leaders,

  2. Cultural Sensitivity and Connection in your teams,

  3. Competitive Advantage, through improved Decision Making, and

  4. Wellbeing and Belonging, with lower Psychosocial Risk.

Please join us in some “Cultural Safety Spotting” to tune your senses into how members of the dominant culture in your organisation or team, can more effectively create human connection with under-represented team members, and enhance competitive advantage in our workplaces.

Please reach out if you would like to use these resources as the foundations for a Nudge Based Learning Journey to build Cultural Safety in your team or organisation. Regular micro-moments of learning, accessed via mobile technology, support the brain science of learning, to develop new knowledge and create new habits.

Navigating Cultural Safety in the Workplace

This video explores Cultural Safety is a subset of Psychosocial Safety. Hence Cultural Safety is an important element of our positive duty to create safe, respectful and inclusive workplaces, which are today’s minimum standard.

With a number of the same mindsets and skillsets which enable psychological safety, it creates a double win for organisations, leaders and teams.

Understanding Cultural Safety Competence

60% of our workshop participants rated themselves as being culturally competent, but only 34% rated their organisations as culturally competent.

This video explores how Culturally Proficient your organisation is, and what behaviours support under-represented groups to feel accepted, valued and even celebrated in the workplace.

Mapping Cultural Maturity and Proficiency

In this video we explore why workplace policies and procedures are an important foundation which clarifies expectations of the organisation’s leaders, managers and team members.

With a 15% increase in productivity when people feel culturally safe and there is trust in leadership, clarifying expectations for all is an important element of workplace culture.

Cultural Sensitivity for Connection & Competitive Advantage

Not only does Cultural Sensitivity have a positive impact for individuals, there’s also a whole world of possibility which opens up when we’re able to embrace the perspectives of others.

We explore how Cultural Sensitivity creates thriving teams by increasing human connection and competitive advantage, by embracing the skill of “Bothness”.

Creating Cultural Safety through Radical Appreciation

We explore the 3 foundations of Radical Appreciation and the 2 sets of skills to create safe and sensitive cultural connections.

Radical Appreciation supports team performance by exploring and appreciating the perspectives of others, with world views different to our own.

Cultural Safety enhances Workplace Impact and Outcomes

This video summarises the role Cultural Safety plays in creating cultural proficiency and appreciation in organisations and teams.

Safe, respectful and inclusive teams have the potential to enhance wellbeing and belonging, in addition to customer connection, innovation and productivity.

Learn more in our Cultural Safety and Cultural Appreciation blogs

At I LEAD Consulting we’re on a mission to simplify Diversity and Inclusion for Leaders and Teams.