Deb Travers-Wolf Deb Travers-Wolf

A Generational Perspective: the value and impact of leadership and culture

The younger generations clarify their expectations of workplace leaders and cultures, so their already compromised wellbeing is not further exacerbated.

  • What challenges may this provide for generations historically focussed on systems and structures to create consistency and efficiency?

  • What is the evidence which confirms the positive impact of safe and supportive, respectful and inclusive cultures, which aid wellbeing and belonging?

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Your Every-Day Leadership and Team-Talk can create Wellbeing and Performance every-day.

Today’s leaders are better than ever at supporting Wellbeing, providing tools and permission to manage wellbeing.

There is also an opportunity to go 1 step further and ACTIVELY CREATE Wellbeing and Belonging through everyday TEAM-TALK.

  • What are the 4 Everyday Leadership Behaviours which INTEGRATE Wellbeing and Business Performance into your team??

  • How can you perform them in the HYBRID environment?

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