Deb Travers-Wolf Deb Travers-Wolf

HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR on the road to recovery

We say FAREWELL to a year in which hurt and hate has been directed towards Asian people throughout the world.

In an era in which conspiracy theories and suffering abounded - we wish all our friends and colleagues PEACE and HAPPINESS in 2021.

I had incredible years in Asia travelling, facilitating and learning. It is a wondrous and complex region, AND it pays to remember, people are people wherever you go.

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Deb Travers-Wolf Deb Travers-Wolf

The Future of Australia Day

The chorus of voices calling for a new national day is rising – but what date should we change it to?

How can we create a shared identity and prosperous future for all Australians?

What date would achieve that for all Australians?

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The Leadership Lessons in the Northern Beaches Lockdown

The expression in retailers’ eyes yesterday was different.

“This was our last hope” she said - as we both had tears in our eyes.

Just last week I predicted we’d need 3 key skills in 2021. It turns out I needed to put Grit and Resilience into action earlier than I’d anticipated and found myself urgently asking:

  • how do you actually DO, ‘grit and resilience’?

  • How do you recharge your mental and emotional reserves when the very plans you’d made to do just that - crumble?

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Conscious Collective Leaders are Future-Fit leaders

Dan Price of Gravity Payments is an example of a Conscious Collective Leader.

In 2015 Price took a million-dollar pay cut to institute a $70,000 minimum wage (which more than paid for itself in productivity and innovation).

What lessons can you take away from this modern entrepreneur with purpose?

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How sensitive is your Organisation to Cultural Fit?

How well is Cultural Fit providing you with a future source of competitive advantage?

What is the right balance between fitting in sufficiently to have an effective voice, and being sufficiently different to MAKE a difference?

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