If the Value of Cultural Diversity outweighs Gender Diversity, why does it remain so elusive in senior teams?

As we reflect on national and international events which brought the #Black Lives Matter movement front and centre, consciously tapping into our Cultural Diversity offers the opportunity to achieve a significant “Diversity Dividend” for business, whilst increasing social cohesion and contribution.

  • How can you leverage Cultural Diversity to increase business performance in your organisation and team?

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Beyond “Diversity Days” to Embracing Diversity for Competitive Advantage

Explore how to move Beyond celebrating “Diversity Days” to consciously Leverage Diversity for Competitive Advantage. Explore how to unlock Collective Intelligence and Diverse Perspectives in your Team or Organisation.

How do you:

  • Create a Diversity Dividend in your team or organisation?

  • Leverage Diversity for Competitive Advantage in complex situations?

  • Consciously increase Belonging?

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Leveraging Diversity in Decision Making: a guide for leaders

Leaders and teams which Practice Inclusion and Leverage Diversity will out-perform in their industry. Explore the top ‘tips and traps’ which reduce outcomes and competitive advantage.

  • How can Leaders create a Robust Process of Inclusion?

  • How can Leaders overcome their natural Concerns about Difference?

  • How do you maintain speed AND rigour?

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Driving Business Impact through Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Seeking out people of different races, genders, ages, religions, abilities, sexual orientations and more, organisations and teams creates an opportunity to capture a richness of thought and experience.

  • What type and quantums of financial impact does Diversity offer?

  • What are today’s market and workforce expectations driving a focus on Diversity?

  • How do you develop Diversity at an organisation level and leverage it for industry leading impact and outcomes?

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Every Day Inclusion (Every Day): the Surprising Impact!

If I were to offer you a solution to the following list of Workplace Challenges, would you believe it were possible with the very SAME approach?

A solution to:

  • The #Great Resignation,

  • Dramatically increase in #Innovation,

  • Significantly reduce #Discrimination and/or #Harassment.

A way to:

  • dramatically increase #Employee Engagement and #Customer Service,

  • reduce the negative impact of work on #mental health,

  • increase team effectiveness and effort.

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Your Every-Day Leadership and Team-Talk can create Wellbeing and Performance every-day.

Today’s leaders are better than ever at supporting Wellbeing, providing tools and permission to manage wellbeing.

There is also an opportunity to go 1 step further and ACTIVELY CREATE Wellbeing and Belonging through everyday TEAM-TALK.

  • What are the 4 Everyday Leadership Behaviours which INTEGRATE Wellbeing and Business Performance into your team??

  • How can you perform them in the HYBRID environment?

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Deb Travers-Wolf Deb Travers-Wolf

Win the War for Talent: prioritise personalised people experiences

Personalising the Employee Experience is something Leaders and HR are currently wrapping their Collective Intelligence around. (Ulrich)

When it comes to Attracting Diversity, Igniting Inclusion and Enabling Equity, however, personalisation is key.

  • What might a Personalised People Experience actually look like?

  • How does it increase Equity?

  • What are some Innovative New Practices?

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Is Gender Fatigue - a matter of Will or Skill?

Perhaps like me, when you read the AFR article highlighting Australian men are suffering from Gender Fatigue, you concluded it’s more a matter of Will, than Skill.

As we’ve been on this journey for some time now, and climate change is literally coming faster to Australia than Gender Equality, perhaps fatigue is to be expected.

  • What is the source of the Fatigue and the Fear?

  • And how can commitment be reinvigorated?

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Thriving Teams: through the 4 Stages of Psychological Safety*

Feeling Fatigued?

Yet, looking for a way to ensure your team leave 2020 feeling they are a valued member of a thriving team, in one of the toughest years on record?

  • The answer may lie at the intersection of research on Wellbeing and Psychological Safety.

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Why it’s VITAL to create Belonging for Women in your Team

5 Graphs explain why it’s VITAL for your team and organisation to create Belonging for Women. Explore why Women are at more risk than other under-represented groups and what impact they have on the metrics and mechanics of business.

  • How do you increase Belonging for Women?

  • How can you conduct a simple but powerful Team Audit?

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Unconscious Bias, Inclusive Behaviour, Belonging Deb Travers-Wolf Unconscious Bias, Inclusive Behaviour, Belonging Deb Travers-Wolf

Beyond Bias to Inclusive Behaviour

Our brains developed Unconscious Biases, as a hack to spot threats which don’t actually apply in our modern world.

  • In fact, difference is a source of competitive advantage today.

Because we can’t effectively mitigate biases by ourselves, particularly when our brains are so commonly in f-state; fast; furious; frantic, we need a new way.

  • The field of Psychology offers a simple solution!

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Unconscious Bias, Inclusive Behaviour, Belonging Deb Travers-Wolf Unconscious Bias, Inclusive Behaviour, Belonging Deb Travers-Wolf

Moving Beyond Bias to Belonging

Belonging is a fundamental Human need and with Inclusive Leaders being 2.5x more likely to have a team which experience belonging and the personal and professional benefits which come with it, it’s an essential element of any high performance teams strategy.

  • Are you Stuck in Unconscious Bias?

  • How do you Move Beyond Bias to Belonging?

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Deb Travers-Wolf Deb Travers-Wolf

Collective Leaders Integrate Wellbeing & Belonging into Everyday Work.

There is unprecedented disruption in our world right now; economic & political, commercial & social turmoil.

There is also a very real Wellbeing & Burnout crisis occurring as we speak.

  • As leaders, how do we grow our business - profitably - and support the wellbeing & belonging of our people?

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inclusive-leadership, high-performance-teams Deb Travers-Wolf inclusive-leadership, high-performance-teams Deb Travers-Wolf

The World’s Greatest Workforce Experiment offers an opportunity to reshape Culture

The World’s Greatest Workplace Experiment continues to offer unique opportunities to capitalise and create not just a diverse workforce which is fit for today’s world, but also a high performance culture.

  • But how do you do that exactly, and achieve it consistently?

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high-performance-teams, inclusive-leadership Deb Travers-Wolf high-performance-teams, inclusive-leadership Deb Travers-Wolf

The Great Resignation is a Misnomer!

40% of Australians are currently reviewing their professional priorities for 2022 - and with 64% willing to leave without an alternative position - leaders have only a small window of opportunity to demonstrate they are capable AND committed to becoming 21st Century (Hybrid) Leaders!

  • How did this Happen?

  • What can we Expect?

  • What is the Key to creating High Performance Hybrid Teams?

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Maximising the Business Opportunity in Board Diversity

As we celebrated the recent milestone of ASX200 Boards reaching the target of 30% women, I’ve learned it pays to look below the tip of the iceberg and investigate the health of the pipeline to make an assessment of whether this is likely to be short term success or one that is sustained.

  • Do we clap our hands, declare victory and say job done?

  • Or is there another opportunity to maximise performance still waiting for us?

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